Textile workshop of Marina Korshakova
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About textile

"Playing with shreds"- such name gave Swedish women to the exhibition of patchwork quilts made by themselves. The exhibition was organized after they have finished my course of patchwork. As more that 200 women from Karelia they were trilled by harmony of technology and variety of patterns. Ancient women's occupation is in fashion again. Reasons why modern ladies sit down at sewing-machine have changed. But pleasure received from work is the same. It combines imagination, creative work, practical way of spending time. In the USA having patch-work quilt at home is a part of good form. When pieces of cloth are cut in dozens and hundreds of shreds a feeling of flight appears. Material in shreds imitates Chaos. You feel freedom. There are no limits. That part of work lasts without taking a breath. After that a new own world is created. Flowered motives combine with spotted and striped, tints interact with each other and a new colored picture appears. The process is thrilling and the technology is fast. Becoming familiar with the course it is possible to make a quilt during a day. It is a good training even for skilled masters.

It is possible to sew a wall picture. Four squared pieces of equal size are cut out of different parts of the same cloth and then they are sewed together. As a result all squares are different but of the same style. It is like in kaleidoscope, when a new patter appears from several glass pieces again and again. The world of patch-work is large, there are a lot of inhabitants in it. It has its holidays and festivals, own printings. Everyone who desires for joy and has enough patience is welcome to enter it.